
Actually I’m second year student in KIMEP University in Kazakhstan; Our university has well-developed system of providing opportunities to students to apply for exchange program that offer a variety of abroad universities and these universities are very perspective and well-known in the world of education. So, finding out that I can apply to exchange program in my home university, I really became excited, because I found that there is a list of Korea Universities to which I can apply! Now… I thought, my dream to go and study in Korea would come true!!!
Everything is excellent, but one problem had occurred, which university to choose???
So, thank to god I somehow find out that there is a one-year exchange student from Korea. I got her number and we made an appointment to meet. She was really nice and very friendly to me, she explained me whole system of education in Korea, and she really helped me with choice. I showed her the list of universities, and she looked through it carefully and then she said: “Sungkyunkwan University”!!! Hmm….I was really wondering why the Sungkyunkwan University??? She started to explain me the reason and the perspectives and opportunities that this university can provide. I found out from her that Sungkynkwan University is one of the top Universities in South Korea. It is famous for its well-organized system of education and the main for its historic origin. I was really surprised that Sungkyunkwan University has been existing since 14th century, and it was found in 1398 year, and it is in the list of the oldest universities in the world coming after Harvard and Oxford Universities. Can you imagine??? It means that now it’s almost 600 years passed. The right word for describing it is - unique origin, and exactly this partial slogan now is used by university. Of course, at the beginning this university which had been found by royal decree was primarily addressed in studying Confucianism and it was the highest educational institute, and the name of University that was given and is still used means “an institution for building harmonious society of perfected human beings.” It sounds great, isn’t it??? I think this philosophy is what the university has achieved today.
Nowadays, Sungkyunkwan University is one of the top of Korea Universities, and it’s developing day by day. As I understood many students attempt to enter this University in Korea, and its name is extending not only in East Asia countries but also among other foreign countries. Year by year more International students come to study in this university. Sungkyunkwan University built a great respect and value that the world of education in technology, medicine, business, and high degree of career professionalism today needs. After exploring such great source of information about this University, I finally decided which university to choose!
I’m so excited, now I know that in few months I will be in Korea, and I will be studying at the university about which I heard so many incredible things. I’m wondering how it would be in the reality???
Two weeks left to my leaving to Korea, and today I received mail from Korean guy, he is a member of International organization in University, called Hi-club! He said that he is my buddy, and he will coordinate and help me at any time when I need a help while staying in Korea. Also he said that he would like to be good friends, and he wrote in big letters “WELCOME TO KOREA, WELCOME TO SUNGKYUNKWAN UNIVERSITY!!!” That was a big sign of fact that Korea is waiting for me! Ha-ha^^
Let’s get start!
Today is 18th of February, my plain is landing. Oh God! That is indescribable feelings, I’m in Korea, and I’m in Seoul!!!
So, I passed check-in and now I’m going outside, the first thing that I saw was I big poster with my name carrying by Korean guy!!! Ha-ha, here I am! Saying him hello I saw his happy face and I’m sure my face was happy too…^^
My buddy is so nice and friendly; on the way to my dorm we were talking about everything, from who I am to what is economics condition in the world!
Yes! Finally we reached to the place where my school and dorm are located. I’m shocked, such a nice location! Streets so busy, so many people, so many restaurants and cafes, boutiques, convenient stores!!! That is great! It means that you will never feel bored living in such area!
Feel yourself as at home!!!

So, what do you think I saw inside? First of all there was a really kind and helpful doorkeeper, who welcomed me and tried to registrar me as soon as possible, understanding that I must be tired from such a long trip and I need to have a rest! Looking around, I saw very nice lobby, so clean and so modern, and one thing that made me surprised, there was a big ping-pong table! Wow, it means here you can do some free exercising! Then you go further and you see a big rest room. It is very nice place to meet with your foreign friends in evening and discuss with a cup of tea how your day was. Also, there are three computers, that have access to internet, and you can use it whenever you want.

So, now I’m going to my room. Wow!!!! That’s great; my room is so big, clean and light. There is special desk with desk lamp, and book shelves, very good condition to study. Big bed, with prepared pillows, shits and blanket. Balcony, bathroom, everything looks very nice.
Studying in SKKU.
Everything is perfect!!! Our school is so close to dorm, it takes me only 5 min to get there. The campus of school is very nice. Coming from the main gates, you can see historical buildings that were constructed at the time of Old Sungkyunkwan University. That makes you feel the real traditional spirit of Korean culture. You even can take a picture, because you are experiencing the great trace of history that was left since 600 years ago. Further, you can see different building halls that are divided by the departments, such as Business building, Economics, Law Building. The auditory in the buildings is very modernized and modified with last technological improvements that provide highly-leveled condition to get a good knowledge from professors during the class. The professors, who teach either in English or in Korean are all professionals in their subject area, they are all graduated from well known universities, with PhD degree. Each professor follow own systematical method of educational process, so that it makes students easily understand and catch the necessary material from each subject. Also, professors primarily focus on students, and I think it is really important, because only in this way students can feel their high importance in the class and therefore it makes the process of education more enjoyable and useful for students.


One of the important points for making your studying process progressively is the Central Library in SKKU. This library is really good place to study and it is very big. Wireless Internet is everywhere, but if you don’t have a laptop, it’s not a problem, because everywhere in campus you can find a computer and use it. Library divided in different reading halls, so if you want to search for specific sources of information, you can easily orientate by looking at different sections in which a variety of books are provided. One more important thing about library, during examination period, it works 24 hours. So, if you feel that in library it is more convenient to study, and you are short of time to prepare for each subject during the day, you just can easily go there and prepare until you finish. In library there is also good place to have a rest. If you are tired from studying and you want to take a break, on the first floor you will find a nice place for having a rest and meeting with friends.

Perfect location!

Sightseeing in Seoul.

When I were walking along this palace, I felt the real power of Empire epoch which made me so excited, and the air that you breath make you feel the harmony of prosperity that was definitely build by ancient Korean society. Along with these incredible places, you can go to the river that is in Central Seoul; there you will find many entertainment centers, restaurants, and parks and it is the place where you can spend and enjoy your time having a fun with your friends.
What about the most popular shopping areas in Seoul? I think it is one of the most important part while being in foreign country!:) Well, I think that Seoul is the best city with shopping in the world! The most popular shopping areas in Seoul are: Myongdong and Dongdeamun Stadium. These places are the most adorable for people who are crazy about shopping. Especially for me^^. There is a big busy district that is always full of people, and the shopping malls is everywhere, you can find here whatever you want and buy it, so many

Actually I think there are so many places in Seoul, so that it is even impossible to describe them at once in one page. Everything that you need is just take a map and go wherever you want, and don’t worry about whether is the right place to go or not, because I think that in South Korea, you will enjoy everything, starting from food to sightseeing. By the way, the most important thing that has left about sightseeing is that all places that I described above, are located near our school, and it will take no more than 3 subway stations to get there, what is more that the Changdeokgung palace is located in 5 minutes by walk from school, and again it proves the fact that our university and dorm has a perfect location for making your life enjoyable in Seoul.
Enjoy your food in Korea!

As I already mentioned, there are a lot of places around campus and dorm, where you can have a meal. Also, there is a very famous area of cheap and delicious food near the school. It takes only 5 minutes to go down by stairs from Central library to Small Street that is full of cafes and buffets. Usually students go there, sometimes this street called “Meal students union,” ha-ha. Of course, there is not only Korean food that you can eat; there are a lot of places which offer you food of different cousine. Also, when you are lack of time, you just can go to fast food restaurants such as McDonalds and Burger House to fulfill your hanger fast and easy. But if you don’t want to go outside to eat, and want to stay at dorm just because of weather or something else, you can easily order the food, just make once a call and in 10 minutes you will be ready to enjoy your meal. I was really surprised by the delivery system in Seoul, it is so fast and convenient, and you even don’t need to put any effort except your one minute call. But if you good at cooking and you prefer to have own prepared food, you can easily do it remembering that there is a very good dormitory’s kitchen with all that kitchen stuff. Just buy some products from nearest supermarket and have own cooked meal.
People in Korea.
Actually, I think that for international people the most important things along with food, sightseeing, and living condition in foreign country, it is also really important to adapt to country’s society that is sometimes hard and sometimes easy. What about Korea?
It’s known that any society consist of group of people, who is definitely play an important role in each person’s life, and that is right, everyone who is around me here play an important role in my life as well as I do in their lives. I think it is impossible to describe in words what kind of people they are, but you should feel it. Everyone here is so kind and friendly, at the same time so shy and modest. When you need some help, they will always support you and always try to do the best
in order to make your life here so enjoyable. Whatever you want, whatever you need, just ask them, they will help you. For example, when classes started, I didn’t know anything, what is a school site to download the lectures, where I can buy books, where is the building in which class will be held, and etc. Of course, you can ask your Korean buddy, but what if your buddy is not taking the same classes as you, and he or she doesn’t know everything what is requirements of your specific class, however, you can easily ask anyone who is attending the same class as you, and be sure, there will be so many volunteers, who definitely will answer to your all questions, and who will always help you to do the best during the semester in this class! Korean people are
really kind, and their hospitality to foreign people make you feel as in own home country. I easily found many friends, because it’s easy to communicate with them, they are open-minded and easy-going. We always study together as well as hanging out after the classes, having a dinner and going to entertainment centers to have a fun. It is really nice to have Korean friends, so that you can experience another culture and find from it something useful for you. In short, I think in Korea, and in SKKU you will not have any difficulties to find very good people who will be always around you, helping and just supporting you in everything.
SKKU – good chance, good knowledge, good friends!
People in Korea.

It’s known that any society consist of group of people, who is definitely play an important role in each person’s life, and that is right, everyone who is around me here play an important role in my life as well as I do in their lives. I think it is impossible to describe in words what kind of people they are, but you should feel it. Everyone here is so kind and friendly, at the same time so shy and modest. When you need some help, they will always support you and always try to do the best

SKKU – good chance, good knowledge, good friends!
I’m really happy that my choice was a Sungkyunkwan University!
Here, I found a lot of opportunities to improve and develop my personal qualities, to wide my
knowledge about different cultures and their ways of living, to experience the great educational system that allows me to build a good background for career goals, and of course the last but not least important is to find good and loyal friends!!! The thing is that’s really true about the slogan of SKKU: Unique origin, unique future, and that is what I have today!

I love SKKU! I love KOREA!
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